Child Pyschology










2. エリク・エリクソンの心理社会的発達の理論。



信頼 vs. 不信 0歳~1歳半
自律と羞恥 1歳半~3歳
主体性 vs. 罪悪感 3歳~5歳
業界 vs. 劣等感 5歳~12歳
アイデンティティ vs. 役割の混乱 12歳~18歳
親密さ vs. 孤立 18歳~40歳
40歳~65歳 ・世代交代 vs. 停滞期
自我の完全性 vs. 絶望 65歳以上

3. 最後に、アブラハム・マズローの欲求階層についてお話したいと思います。


・1. 生物学的、生理的な欲求。
・2. 安全欲求
・3. 愛と所属の欲求
・4. 自尊心の欲求
・5. 認知的欲求
・6. 美的欲求
・7. 自己実現欲求(Self-actualization needs
・8. 超越の欲求





As adults, we often forget children do not see the world in the same way we do. Psychologically, they are very very different, and they vary depending on the age. In America we have to study child psychology when we become teachers. I spent many years learning about how people learn. I would like to share my favorite child psychology theories. These very, very simple explanations of each theory. Each theory can be studied and expanded upon greatly.

1.Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Piaget’s theory states there are 4 major stages of development which dictate how a person interacts with the world. He focuses mainly on children, and how they change from learning object permanence to abstract thought. Every person goes through each stage, no matter where they come from. Establishes how we can start thinking abstractly from age 12 and older.

・Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years
・Preoperational stage: ages 2 to 7
・Concrete operational stage: ages 7 to 11
・Formal operational stage: ages 12 and up

2. Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. Erikson focuses on how people develop socially. Unlike Piaget, not everyone goes through the same stages, and the development is lifelong rather than just as a child. At each stage a person goes through a crisis. If a person fails to succeed in the crisis, it becomes harder to proceed positively at the next stages through their life. However, it is still possible to have positive growth. Progress doesn't just depend on the individual person, but also the people around them.

Stage, Psychosocial Crisis, Age
・Trust vs. Mistrust ages 0 - 1½
・Autonomy vs. Shame ages 1½ - 3
・Initiative vs. Guilt ages 3 - 5
・Industry vs. Inferiority ages 5 - 12
・Identity vs. Role Confusion ages 12 - 18
・Intimacy vs. Isolation ages 18 - 40
・Generativity vs. Stagnation ages 40 - 65
・Ego Integrity vs. Despair age 65+

3. Finally, I would like to talk about Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Maslow's 8 tier theory indicates that there cannot be growth unless a stable foundation of needs are met. Some people never reach all the stages even with a long life, because it is not age based, but needs based.

・1. Biological and physiological needs.
・2. Safety needs.
・3. Love and belongingness needs.
・4. Esteem needs
・5. Cognitive needs
・6. Aesthetic needs
・7. Self-actualization needs
・8. Transcendence needs

There are many more I enjoyed studying, and researching. It is also very interesting how each theory goes alongside other theories for different aspects of development. I think it's a good idea to read about developmental psychology so we can properly work with children in the future.