As you might already know, Christmas is a big event in France.
And some points of the Kihon Rinen also apply to Christmas in my family.
1.We will be ideal partners to all children :
→ December is a busy month and parents and kids all contribute to preparing the party.
I do actually have more fun preparing the party than living the party.
2. Treating children and young people as our equal partners :
→ Child and Parents all choose and decorate the tree, the Christmas crib, and the table together.
2. 若者達のよきパートナーとなり:
3.We will not forget our feelings of gratitude and we will always express them :
→ On 25 we Distribute presents to show our love and receive the children’s joy as gratitude.
3.謙虚な気持ち、素直な気持ち、温かい気持ち、大きな気持ちを持つ :
→ 25日にプレゼントを配り、愛を示し、感謝の気持ちとして子供たちの喜びを受け取ります。
4.We will work together as a team and do what is required :
→ In my family, for Christmas EVE diner we are around 30. And all help preparing the table, buy food, cook and keep the atmosphere warm. It is real teamwork.
→ 私の家族は、クリスマスイブのディナーは約30人になります。そして、全員がテーブルの準備をし、食べ物の購入、料理、そして雰囲気を暖かくして過ごします。
I would like to wish you all in advance a wonderful Christmas.
Especially for ICY which are far from their family like me.
Joyeux Noël à tous!