Reconnecting with old friends


This year my resolution is to be more active and work out 5 days a week. So far it has been successful! I joined an app, followed a program, and exercised everyday either before or after work. I feel much more energetic. I noticed a difference during my yearly health check.

However, I have hit a plateau. My progress was slowing down, and I was losing motivation. Luckily, I got into touch with an old friend.

When I was in my first year of college my family hosted a boy from aboard. He was 2 years younger than me, and quickly I came to feel like he was my younger brother. He really liked fitness and did many sports. During that time I wanted to lose weight before I performed for an upcoming musical. He offered to help me with my training, and he became a super strict coach. It became a fun memory.

We stayed in touch for a few years, though social media, and he even attended my wedding in America. However, as we became adults we became too busy.

Nearly ten years later, I am once again trying to improve my health. And now he is a certified personal trainer. We started chatting and he offered to help me, in exchange he gets a chance to improve his English too. We meet over Google Meet once a week to train. It is very fun and nostalgic. After training, we sit and talk about life, and cultures etc. My muscles are always so sore the next day. Lol. It's only been a few weeks but I feel like progress is happening,

Although so much time has passed,I think it's very special to reconnect with old friends, and help build each other up.

Anyways, I hope that the rest of this year will be healthy and energetic.

Have a nice day!





それから10年近くが経ち、私は再び健康増進に努めています。 そして今、彼はパーソナルトレーナーの資格を持っています。

私たちはチャットを始め、彼は私を助け、その代わりに彼も英語を上達させる機会を得ると申し出ました。私たちは週に一度、Google Meetで会ってトレーニングをしています。とても楽しくて懐かしいです。トレーニングの後は、人生について、文化についてなど、座って話します。翌日はいつも筋肉痛です。笑



