

先日、電車の中でMark Zuckerbergのインタビューを聞いていました。



①Move Fast


②Focus on Long Term impact


③Build Awesome Things


④Give hard feedback



同僚はメタメイツ → チームワークが持続可能な企業を生む


①Move Fast

YTJ: スピード感を持って決断し、行動する。決断・行動しないことが新たな問題を生むことをつよく意識する。

②Focus on Long Term impact

YTJ: 全ての活動が財務上の合理性を保つように創意工夫します。

③Build Awesome Things

YTJ: 創造性と革新性を追求し、多様性を楽しむ。


④Give hard feedback

YTJ: みんなで教えあう、指摘し合う、そして、実践する。








I was listening to  interview with Mark Zuckerberg the other day on the train.

It was interesting because Mark talked about the company principles of facebook for the first time in public.

So for facebook they have these 5:

-Move Fast

Moving fast leads to making more mistakes and more mistakes leads to more learning, this is necessary to be an industry leader.

-Focus on Long Term impact

Instead of short term wins, make structures that allow the company to be sustainable for a long time.

-Build Awesome Things

Now the metaverse is their main focus. Not just the value but also the fun of it.

-Give hard feedback

In small companies it's easy to give strict feedback, but as a company grows the usual flow is to be polite and condone things for the sake of having a nice culture. So he wants to keep being able to give strict feedback even in a huge company.


co-workers are called Metamates → teamwork leads to a sustainable company

Of course at YTJ we all know the kihonrinen through and through so it was interesting to compare the two.

We have very similar principles at YTJ.

-Move Fast

at YTJ → We will proactively make decisions and act on them. We will keep in mind that not making or not taking action will result in more problems.

-Focus on Long Term impact

at YTJ → We will devise creative solutions to ensure that the financial feasibility of all our activities is maintained.

-Build Awesome Things

at YTJ → Youth Theatre Japan (YTJ) is a theatre company that creates new value in the areas of education and entertainment.


at YTJ → We will work together as a team and do what is required.

Just the hard feedback is perhaps divided in a few for us

at YTJ ↓

We will teach and correct each other, then put what we have learned into practice.

We will communicate honestly and frankly with love towards everyone.

We are not able to do our job if we are not liked by others. We will always consider what would be the kindest action to take.

We will not blame anyone for making mistakes.

I really respect how Japanese companies read their values every day. It helps workers to have these values in the back of their minds so they are there when they need answers. I myself have been saved many times by the kihonrinen (we will not blame anyone for forgetting to bring the senkoushiken zekken.. as long as they race like a madman and pick up other zekken in a nearby studio and make it just in time for the first round.. lol )

Thank you for reading my post.